Fleet Development During Haslemere

The first truly new vessels during the period were the replacement launches Nos. 1 and 2 (later named Sea Lion and Sea Tiger respectively) which came into service in 1965. These vessels, the first in the fleet with air-conditioning, were by no means perfect (it was a while before their crews would really trust them in a quartering sea); but in other respects were so different from everything that had preceded them that they came to represent a whole new era in themselves. Launch 1 was taken over at the end of May by Senior Inspector `Moose' Cunningham, and it was characteristic of Sir David Trench's interest in the Marine Police that he was one of the first visitors on board. A week later Senior Inspector Tony Sirett took over Launch 2 rather more informally:

Despite such problems the new vessels were popular with their crews from the outset, and it is unlikely that any of the `state of the art' vessels that have superseded them will ever be regarded with the same affection. People tended to serve in them for long periods and most of them contributed in one way or another to the fabric or appearance of the vessels in which they spent half their lives. One of the longest serving was Charlie Fisher, who put up the case for an awning to be erected over the boat deck in 1968. In a long list of the advantages to be gained perhaps the most heartfelt was:

The case was accepted.